
Bossam - Stealing Fate

Set in the Joseon era during the reign of King Gwan Hae-jun, historical drama Bossam – Stealing Fate follows Ba-woo (Jung Il-woo) who has been living in hiding following a false accusation in his youth.  He has been making a living by helping to hide widows who are trying to avoid re-marriage.  It is during this time that he stumbles across the princess and decides to kidnap her – accidentally, of course.

Also Known As: Bossam: Steal The Fate
Directed by: Kwon Seok-jan
Written by: Kim Ji-soo, Park Cheol
Starring: Jung Il-woo, Kwon Yuri
Extended Cast: Kim Tae-woo, Shin Dong-mi, Shin Hyun-soo, Yoon Joo-man, So Hee-jung
Original network: MBN
Original release: 2021
Running Time: 60 Minutes
Distributor: MBN