

Entourage, based on the American TV series, follows idol Cha Young-bin (Seo Kang-joon), his entourage Cha Joon (Lee Kwang-soo), Lee Ho-jin (Park Jung-min) and Geo-book (Lee Dong-hwi) and manager CEO Jin-woong (Kim Eun-gab) as they navigate their way through the show business industry.

Directed by: Jang Young-woo
Written by: Seo Jae-won, Kwon So-ra
Starring: Cho Jin-woong, Seo Kang-joon, Lee Kwang-soo, Park Jung-min, Lee Dong-hwi
Extended Cast: Lee Hye-in, Ahn So-hee, Choi Myung-gil, Yoon Ji-hye, Amber Liu, Ryu Han-bee, Jang So-yeon, Ha Jung-woo, Kim Tae-ri, Park Chan-wook, Lee Tae-im, Mamamoo, Im Na-young, Kim Chung-ha, Kim Kwang-hyun, Clara Lee, DJ Soda, Boom Spica, Jin Seon-kyu, Song Ji-hyo, Hyukoh, Park Han-byul, Song Hae-na, Jin Goo, Ahn Hye-kyung, Lee Eun, Jin Jae-young, Lee Jun-ik, Kim Sung-kyun, Kang Ha-neul, Koo Young-joon, Kim Ki-bang, In Gyo-jin, So Yi-hyun, San E, Nam Da-reum, Lee Da-in, Simon D, Killagramz, Heo Tae-hee, Ji Suk-jin, Julien Kang, Sam King, Kyung Soo-jin, Moon Geun-young, Oh Chang-seok, Lee Sun-bin, Oh Dae-hwan, Lee El, Oh Dal-su, Ha Yeon-joo, Lee Min-ji, Lee Joo-yeon, Lee Sung-min
Original network: tvN
Original release: 4 November 2016 – 24 December 2016
No. of episodes: 16
Running Time: 59 minutes
Executive producer(s): Jinnie Jin-hee, Choi, Kim Young-kyu
Production Company(s): Studio Dragon, Under license from Warner Bros. International Television
Distributor: tvN, Studio Dragon