Imitation follows the lives and times of fledgling K-pop idols Lee Ma-ha (Jung Ji-so) from the group Tea Party, Hyuk (Choi Jong-ho, Ateez) and Kwon Ryok (Lee Jun-young) from the group Shax and Lee Yu-jin (Jeong Yun-ho, Ateez), Se-young (Park Seong-hwa, Ateez) and Min-Su (Choi San, Ateez) from the group Sparkling.
The drama unfolds with the bright and bubbly Ma-ha as she finds herself attracting the wrong kind of attention when she is confused with popular singer La Ri-ma (Park Ji-yeon). In the midst of all of this, she falls out with the duo from Shax after she accidentally injures Hyuk and insults Ryok. But all is not lost as she is comforted by her kind childhood friend Yu-jin.