Mojito follows a wealthy chaebol Chi Ji-woo (Sung Joon) who opens a cocktail bar that only operates during the day due to his fear of nights. He meets So Joong-hee (Lim Ji-yeon) who flat broke and the two strike up a relationship.
Directed by:
Jung Ji-kyu
Written by:
Lee Shi-on
Sung Joon, Lim Ji-yeon, Baek Sung-hyun, Kim Yoon-hye, Choi Sung-joon, Kang Nam, Jang In-sub, Choi Hee-jin, Lee Han-wi, Lee Byung-joon, Jung Kyung-soon, Park Hae-mi, Choi Ryung, Seo Gyung-hwa, Ju A-yeon
Original release:
Currently on hold
No. of episodes: