Possessed follows an unlikely couple, detective Kang Pil-sun (Song Sae-byuk) and psychic Hong Seo Jung (Go Joon-hee), as they work together to solve different cases.
Directed by: | Choi Do-hoon |
Written by: | Park Hee-kang |
Starring: | Song Sae-byeok, Go Joon-hee, Yeon Jung-hoon, Jo Han-sun |
Extended Cast: | Jang Hyuk, Won Hyun-joon, Lee Won-jong, Park Jin-woo, Kwon Hyuk-hyun, Gil Hae-yeon, Park Sang-min, Gi Se-hyeong, Cho Wan-gi |
Original network: | OCN |
Original release: | 6 March 2019 –25 April 2019 |
No. of episodes: | 16 |
Running Time: | 60 minutes |
Production Company(s): | Daydream Entertainment |
Distributor: | OCN, Netflix |
Source: | http://program.tving.com/ocn/possessed |