Serious crime squad police investigator Jin Kang-ho (Cha Tae-hyun) teams up with a producing director from an investigative television show Kang Moo-young (Lee Sun-bin), a former criminal profiler, a CEO of a bar, and a former NIS autopsy doctor to investigate unsolved cases.
Also Known As: | Further Investigation, Extra Investigation, Extramarital Investigation |
Directed by: | Kang Hyo-jin |
Written by: | Lee Yu-jin |
Starring: | Cha Tae-hyun, Lee Sun-bin, Jang Sang-hoon, Yoon Kyung-ho, Ji seung-hyun |
Extended Cast: | Im Chul-hyung, Jang Jin-hee, Park Tae-san, Jung Chan-bi, Jung ha-eun, Park Jung-woo |
Original network: | OCN |
Original release: | 23 May 2020 - 28 June 2020 |
No. of episodes: | 12 |
Running Time: | 60 minutes |
Source: | OCN |