Sci-fi mystery thriller The Silent Sea follows an exploratory group – team leader Han Yoon-jae (Gong Yoo), Doctor Song Ji-an (Bae Doona) and head engineer Captain Ryoo-tak – who embark on a dangerous mission to extract a mysterious sample from Balhae research station, an abandoned research station on the moon.
Based on the intense short film The Sea of Tranquility, written and directed by Choi Hang-yong.
Directed by: | Cho Hang-yong |
Written by: | Park Eun-kyo |
Starring: | Gong Yoo, Bae Doona, Lee Joon |
Extended Cast: | Heo Sang-tae, Lee Moo-saeng |
Original release: | 2021 |
No. of episodes: | 8 |
Executive producer(s): | Jung Woo-sung |
Production Company(s): | Artist Company |
Distributor: | Netflix |