In this romantic comedy, part-timer Jeong Saet-byeol (Kim Yoo-jung) starts working with Choi Dae-hyeon (Ji Chang-wook) at a nearby convenience store. Shortly after she begins sales go up dramatically, mainly from the male customers eager to catch a glimpse of her – much to the annoyance of Dae-hyeon. Based on the popular webtoon of the same name by Hwalhwasan and Geumsagong.
Also Known As: | Convenience Store Saet-Byeol |
Directed by: | Lee Myeong-woo |
Written by: | Son Geun-joo |
Starring: | Ji Chang-wook, Kim Yoo-jung |
Extended Cast: | Do Sang-woo, Han Sun-ah, Kim Sun-young, Lee Byung-joon, Um Moon-suk, Kim Ji-hyun, Ahn Sol-bin, Seo Ye-hwa, Yoon Soo, Woo Hyun, Lee Yoon-hee, Bae Gi-bum, Kyeon Mi-ri, Gil Yong-woo, Heo Jae-ho, Ji Chan, Shin Yoo-jung, Lee Ju-ha, Park Jin-joo, Jung Eun-ji, Ko Kyu-pil, Kim Min-kyu, Lee Yu-bi, Park Sang-myun, Lee Jun-young, Ryu Seung-soo, Kim Se-yong, Ahn Chan-hwan |
Original network: | SBS |
Original release: | 12 June 2020 |
No. of episodes: | 16 |
Running Time: | 70 minutes |
Executive producer(s): | Jung Tae Won |
Production Company(s): | Taewon Entertainment |
Distributor: | SBS, Lifetime |
Source: | SBS |